Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Previously: On DnD

Deep within the labyrinth, we find the party mid-mission, seeking a rogue wizard and a relic of great importance to the Mages of Saruun. Given an enchanted silver dish that seeks the relic, the adventurers are closing in on their target.

Discussing final mission parameters with the team, Thohand briefly wonders how such a hodge-podge party of adventurers have come to work together. To his side, Alfirin Dag, kneels on the dirt floor, wearing a set of enchanted stone glasses, reading the runic and arcane symobls that litter the walls of the labyrinth caves. He brushes his dwarven beard to the side as he grunts with frustration. Labyrinth directions are usually meaningless and this particular batch were of the norm. 'Dag' has been with the party since the very beginning, routing the undead of shadowfell keep and working his way to Thunderspire moutain alongside Thohand. Of all the Paladins Thohand has met during his clerical travel, none have been able to withstand such horrific beatings as Dag and keep coming back for more.

A little ways back, Van Gibson is busy dictating to his homunculus the various ways in which the Mages of Saruun are incompetent fools, allowing a rogue wizard to steal such a powerful artifact from their tower. It didn't seem to bother Thohand that the old wizard wasn't paying attention to the mission synopsis. The wizard's arcane power was incredible, no matter how frail his outside appearance seemed to be. To Thohand, it seems like only yesterday that the old wizard fell from an arcane portal in uncharted labyrinth territory, spouting off about some arcane madness, a tunnel of endless falling, and an atrocious estimation of time.

And then there were the two new bloods. Worthy but unproven additions to the team. On one side was the lithe and agile Avenger who called himself Leudo. No elf Thohand ever met had been so indifferent about associating with dwarves or anyone for that matter. And on the opposite spectrum was the gentle giant Unsung; the Warforged fighter who would just as much dance to the sounds of battle as hack off arms and heads. The machine was sometimes unreadable but at this moment in time, it seemed to be focused on the events about to transpire.

The tunnel gave way to a giant cavern revealing a small house auspisciously placed atop a plateu of stone. Perplexed at the structure in the middle of the cavern (having never seen a well constructed shelter in the labyrinth), the adventurers approached cautiously. The small shelter was not what it seemed as one secret passage led to the next, taking the party further into the underground. A final set of stone spiral staircase led to the dungeon floor where they found the rogue mage impaled on the staff that they were seeking. Adventuring farther down the dungeon hall, they confronted Jim Steel, a vampire with a desire for comedic appeasement, and his mind puppets. A brief battle ensued and it was clear that the vampire and his minions were outmatched. Bloodied and aggravated at his futile attempt at jokes, Jim Steel returned to vapor form and fled the hall, leaving his minions lifeless in their tracks.

After the battle, the team compromised the sarcophagi of their possessions, among them, a holy symbol of a deity long forgotten. Finishing off the minions, the adventurer's headed back to the Seven Pillared Hall to receive their reward...

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