Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vadriar, The Sage

Gender: Male
Race: Human

A short man, at 5'2, Vadriar has the appearance of a very lumpy man, wearing many layers of coats and overcoats filled with the typical and a-typical bells and whistles of exploring. His stubbled face and body odor would hint that he takes little care for himself and appearance. He is never without an everburning torch (which seems to be heavily modified) and a sour mood.

1st appearance- Rothar's Taproom. Vadriar is compromised by the team to lead them to Phaervorul. He naturally insults them and declines their offer.

Vadriar, while completely insane and without a logical thought pattern, seems to be an extremely competent guide, often times trecking into the Underdark alone. His knowledge of creatures, fungus, and his inate compass are unparallelled. That seems to be all the good one could find in a man as foul and gross as he is. His forgettable insults of, "you fat!" and "where your brain?" seem to repeat themselves hundreds of times everyday the party spends with him.

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