Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Leudo Driftwood

Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Class: Avenger
Paragon Path:
Alignment: Evil


D.M's notes

The little that I've managed to gather on the mysterious elf revolves mainly on his checkered past. The murderous betrayal is something he seems to be ashamed of yet it seems as though he is fearful it may happen again. His alignment, along with past grievances, are cause for concern. This was especially apparent in the ritual, in which, Leudo seemed to be the only one willing to comply with the drow Zirithian.

As of right now, he seems to be in total compliance with his teammates though he keeps to himself most of the time. I'm sure the thought of trudging towards a drow encampment, a place where he will find bitter resentment, is weighing heavily on his mind; even for one as laidback as Leudo.

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