Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chapter 1: The Ritual

Upon their return to the Seven Pillared Hall, the adventurers find that the Mages of Saruun, who are so aptly ready to cast arcane justice at the slightest infraction, are suddenly unavailable for call. Getting other odds and ends done, the party frequents their local haunt in the halfmoon inn to grab a drink and relax after a few days in the Thunderspire Labyrinth.

The halfmoon inn is a buzz of activity as the party finds it's way to their regular table. Rendil Halfmoon does not appear to be his usual self as he delivers drinks to his favorite patrons. Further inquisition creates more suspicion as to the goings on inside the Halfmoon. Van Gibson notices his gift to Rendil, an artistic representation of the endless tunnel of planes, has been tampered with.

Before further analysis of the situation can be had, a loud crash is heard from the bar area as glasses shatter on the floor. The skeletonized body of a halfling is thrown into the dining area, turning to dust when it impacts the stone floor. The patrons of the Halfmoon flee the scene leaving only the party and a magnificently garbed drow as the sole occupants of the inn.

The drow noble introduced himself as Zirithian and proceeded to make petty talk with the adventurers. He briefly mentioned that a cursed item had changed possession recently, afflicting it's new owners with demonic embryos. Fatigue, coughing up blood, and a demonic mark would all appear before the complete maturation of the embryo which would lead to eternal servitude in undeath. However, upon discovering the newly afflicted party was so strong, Zirithian offered a cure and in return asked the adventurers to travel to Phaervorul and defeat the Drow Matron Urlvrain. Requiring a demonstration of skill and prowress, Zirithian challenged the party individually to show their might. When Leudo laid out divine might on the vampire, Zirithian retaliated on the elf. Dag intervened with his own divine abilities and took the fall for his comrade as he was skeletonized and dusted in one swift action; Deader than a door nail.

Shortly after, the party woke up one by one, in the Thunderspire Labyrinth, at their own campsite, with the staff of gladstone still in their possession and Alfirin Dag very much alive. Questioning the reality of what events really transpired and what events did not, the team hurried back to the Seven Pillared Hall in hopes they would find answers to the myriad of questions that had arisen.

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